ASCOA Founder Named in “40 of the Smartest People in Healthcare”


Dr. Brent W. Lambert, ASCOA Founder and President, was included as one of “40 of the Smartest People in Healthcare”; a list published by Becker’s Hospital Review.

Brent Lambert, MD.  Dr. Lambert is President and one of three Founders of Ambulatory Surgical Centers of America, an ASC Management and Development company in Hanover, Mass. Under his leadership and since its founding in 1997, ASCOA has grown from three centers in the Boston area to 31 centers nationwide. The organization is an industry leader, with expertise in center turnarounds, physician ownership, and joint venture-building. Before he founded ASCOA, Dr. Lambert was a faculty member at Harvard Medical School in Boston. He also founded XONIX, an international medical instrument company. Dr. Lambert is a board-certified ophthalmologist.

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